In the wake of the antifa-like demonstrations to raise awareness of racial discrimination and brutality in various locations around the country by destroying homes and businesses and killing others, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced Thursday that the Confederate Monument at Garfield Park will be dismantled. more »

Jun · 02 · 2020

Blackout Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  A loose summation from wikipedia: a collective action to protest racism and police brutality, originally organized within the music industry in response to the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Businesses taking part were encouraged to abstain from releasing music and other business operations.

I can’t emphasize the word STUPID enough! more »

Jun · 14 · 2019

Pardon this interruption of our typical posts for a rude awakening.  I started to send this article link to a few friends and realized I was writing something a bit more.

What is sickening?  Human sacrifice in the age of the enlightened, in a nation with supposed protections in place to avert such horrific things.  Ah, but people do change their minds don’t they?
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Nov · 03 · 2009

Today is election day.  Here in Indiana most polls are closed with the exception of a few counties that have referendums on extra funding for certain school districts, and here in Marion county (a.k.a. Indianapolis) the great public health care institution Wishard Hospital is requesting funds to build new facilities to replace the aging and deteriorating one they currently have.  It seems like a no-brainer.  It is NOT.
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Apr · 02 · 2009

NO MORE NEW TAXES!  Stop raising taxes!  Do NOT bail out the CIB!  Let the kings of bailouts in DC do it.
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Mar · 09 · 2009

This old but still unfolding story just makes one involuntarily shake their head.
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Jan · 19 · 2009

I suppose it’s altogether fitting I write this on a day when I’m off work in honor of the memory of one of our country’s greatest civil rights proponents.  [IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are sensitive about strong opinions related to current day politics, or rather societal hot button topics, do not read this.  You have been warned.]
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Oct · 03 · 2008

So far I've managed to catch the first two debates.  The VP debate wins hands down as being the most entertaining.
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