Jul · 24 · 2007

Sound familiar? Remember hearing about this in history class? How the colonists in that newly settled land decided they'd had enough of the King and his cronies taxing them to the point of poverty without getting any benefit from it?
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Many years ago, in a country no one has seen for a while, there were some great thinking men, who in their wisdom crafted a constitution, a rule book of sorts, to guide a new country through many unseen and perilous waters. This rule book has for the most part served this new republic fairly well. Especially the 3 branches of government part.
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Jun · 30 · 2007

Not being able to sleep, I'm learning, does have benefits. Incredibly, some of the very best TV watching seems to be on between 1 AM and 4-5 AM. I just finished watching a show everyone should see!
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Jun · 11 · 2007

Apparently our guv Mitch was bitten by a dog and had to get a tetanus shot! I wasn't there, but I'm guessing that much like the rest of us in the great state of Indiana, the dog had finally heard enough yammering and decided to take matters into his own… paws. Or maybe the pooch is a democrat? Of course no charges have been filed, lucky dog.

Read all about it

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Mar · 20 · 2007

Is Everyone Asleep In Indiana?

I just heard Jim Schellinger, as part of his announcement to run for Governor for the State of Indiana, say 'Being Governor of the state is like being the CEO of a large company'�.


Mind you, I'm no political expert, student, or advisor, and beside my own personal reading and understanding of the subject, the only formal education I have in politics is Government class in high school. However, I do have some grasp of the basic principles behind democratic government that we hold dear in this country and state.

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