Just when you think the air powered car was the final frontier, along comes this ultra-wacky idea! The main difference is however that the air car does exist and this is just a concept.
Now you can have dinner while you drive home. I sure hope tax dollars aren't involved… otherwise they might need to figure out how to get pork to be part of the fuel supply.
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At this point, I think I’m as likely to find a pasta-powered car as to find an affordable diesel Bug.
The one in Memphis got sold out from under me (I called to put a hold deposit on it yesterday… some guy beat me to doing the same on Thursday night *sigh*), and one that just got listed on Friday over on the west side of town was already gone when I called about it this morning. Urgh.
Not my week for car shopping, apparently.
ohhh… bummer!!! Sorry to hear that 🙁 I’m also starting to think that’s the best way to go as the oil barons continue to steal us blind!