Nov · 23 · 2007

Yep, another war movie.  Guess I've been in the mood lately not to mention there seems to have been a lot of them made lately.

This is a good movie.  Based on actual accounts.  I won't kid you, the portrayal of what the Japanese did to POW's is a bit disturbing, but the outcome is inspiring.  In fact if all military operations were handled this way, with the aim of actually winning, or succeeding, many of the US military bungles over the last several decades would have had much different results.  The basics without ruining it for you are this:

511 prisoners were rescued from the Cabanatuan Japanese  prison camp in the Philippines by US Rangers and Filipino guerrillas.  There were 2 American and 21 Filipino casualties yet ALL POW's were rescued, 1 died after arriving in the US base from illness.

This is hailed as the greatest rescue in US militray history.  Watch it and you'll understand exactly why.

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