And few noticed.  Which is really a shame.  He had a big impact on my life.  Made me laugh.  Made me scratch my head in disbelief.  He was a great guy and I will miss him greatly.

Leon Nichols
Born April 19, 1940
Died October 9, 2023

He was my father-in-law.  Not just the father of my wife.  Not just the husband to my wife’s mother.  But he was “dad”.  He was a big strapping guy.  Very strong.  Could do about anything.  Especially with duct tape and gorilla glue.  He was a fixer of all things, and a breaker of some.  He had a special wry sense of humor.  He was a marine, in the army, and a police officer.  He was a great husband, provider, and dad.  He was tough, and absolutely loved babies, especially baby animals.  He loved the Lord.  He served others and would give you his coat if you needed it.  He was a protector.  He had a keen sense of right and wrong.  Good old fashioned values that made this country great.

In spite of his military background he never judged this long haired freak who came into his life.  I always meant to go out target shooting with him but somehow we never did.  He treated me way better than my own father ever imagined.  He didn’t judge this book by the cover.  We shared some “guy” moments but not nearly enough.

You are already missed “Moose”.  And loved more than you probably realized.

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