No, not the movies or the television series. Not the rye whiskey. Not the various businesses or songs. Not even the most awesome song by Max Webster off the 1978 “Mutiny Up My Sleeve” album.
No, this is possibly best summed up by The Cambridge Dictionary as simply “to say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it”. Yeah, or maybe just “all talk and no action”. Why, you might wonder, is this a topic for a post here? Well it’s one of those life and faith lessons that, when you least expect it, smacks you hard in the face. more »
Posted in Commentary, Faith, Music
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Pardon this interruption of our typical posts for a rude awakening. I started to send this article link to a few friends and realized I was writing something a bit more.
What is sickening? Human sacrifice in the age of the enlightened, in a nation with supposed protections in place to avert such horrific things. Ah, but people do change their minds don’t they?
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Posted in Commentary, Faith, Politics, US
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It occurred to me the other day, that I haven’t posted in quite a while. Aside from the numerous problems that don’t seem to ever have an end, there’s not a lot to write about. No one wants to read about my issues. We ALL have issues. Some times the sea is smooth like glass. Other times it’s angry and violent. We all are adrift on that same sea, merely in different locations. So with that said… let’s proceed with politics, music, faith…
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Posted in Commentary, Faith, Music, Musings
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At what point does the autumn of life begin? Is it possible for someone to tell when they have reached that? Or rather than being a well defined autumn season, as in there are merely 4 seasons in life, are there potentially an endless number of seasons and then the end? This is by no means some sort of morbid discussion but rather a desire to understand the ‘now’. more »
Posted in Faith, Musings, Personal
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A little over 6 months ago we relocated to a wonderful small town nestled in wooded hills. 4 years ago this past November was the last time I played in a worship team. 2 years ago this past September I had brain surgery to remove a tumor that had paralyzed much of my right side. Today I’m praising GOD I am actively playing again! more »
Posted in Faith, Music, Musings
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Giving thanks. We say it, especially in this U.S. nationally recognized holiday of doing so. But what does it mean? Really mean?
I’ve been pondering this often this week.
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Posted in Faith, Home/Leisure, Musings
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Yep, the title really is that long. The movie is also fairly long clocking in at 2 hours and 40 minutes. But let’s face it, to give this subject matter it’s due requires some time. There have been many films made about Christ and this is not the longest. Yet this is perhaps one of, if not the best. more »
Posted in Faith, Movies, Reviews
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For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts
Isaiah 55:8-9
I need this to resonate in my head each day when I wake up.
Posted in Faith
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