May · 18 · 2009

After over a year of using Joomla as the underpinnings for the cyclops blog I’ve decided to change to using WordPress.

Not that I find a thing wrong with Joomla, it’s a good software.  However it’s a bit more complex than I want for just a simple blog, whereas I believe WP will fit the bill.  I’m hoping the much more simple WP environment will at least eliminate one reason to put off writing.  A new feature I’m adding is quick hits for just brief comments that don’t require a complete thought.  Sort of my own version of the tweet.  I’m still developing the site templates and adding features but wanted to make the conversion now since I have most of the custom theme done and working.  For the moment past comments are present and viewable but new cannot be submitted.  I’ll post a quick hit when that part is functional again.

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