Well. It’s been a while.
Quite a while.
So here’s a general update.
I probably should have titled this “music, music, I hear music” in a nod to one of my favorite bands, King’s X. But there’s a little more to relate than music. But while I’m on that topic…. more »
Posted in Music, Musings, Personal
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At what point does the autumn of life begin? Is it possible for someone to tell when they have reached that? Or rather than being a well defined autumn season, as in there are merely 4 seasons in life, are there potentially an endless number of seasons and then the end? This is by no means some sort of morbid discussion but rather a desire to understand the ‘now’. more »
Posted in Faith, Musings, Personal
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I have been so very blessed to live most of my life without any terrible physical injuries. Oh there have been plenty of illness, allergies, a bout with fibromyalgia which seemed to be more un-diagnosed stress than anything, and that brain tumor. That has changed. more »
Posted in Musings, Personal, Work
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She gave birth to me. She read to me and helped me learn to read. She taught me right from wrong and in spite of having some liberal view points taught me conservative values. She introduced me to a wide array of musical styles and supported me when I wanted to learn to play drums, and then guitar. She loved to travel and made sure we were able to see different parts of the country, including a tour of the White House and sitting in during a congressional session in 1976, the bicentennial year. She supported me in all my decisions and pursuits as an adult, during my triumphs, and in my sorrow. She was a great cook. She loved to laugh and throw parties and have fun. She had a true green thumb and really enjoyed gardening. She was a wonderful grandmother to my daughter. She was my mom, and she left us to return home on January 16, 2017. more »
Posted in Musings, Personal
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If you’ve randomly checked here over the years you’ve no doubt seen gaps of time where I’ve been silent. As it turns out those gaps coincide with times I’ve been a bit busier than usual. Lately it’s been a ‘new’ job, church and the worship team, outdoor projects and my Mom’s health. You know, life and all that comes with it. So here’s a quick update to say I’m still making a go of things. more »
Posted in Musings, Personal
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Moving is also fraught with innumerable possibilities for things to go wrong. The upside is it’s also survivable. As is brain surgery. I’m not sure that brain surgery isn’t FAR easier though. more »
Posted in Home/Leisure, Musings, Personal
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Christmas music, lights, movies, shows, specials, trees, goodies. It’s all around us now.
That joyous time of year when children wait anxiously for the bounty of their dreams. When the average person smiles a little more, feels a little happier, gives a little more.
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Posted in Home/Leisure, Musings, Personal
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A buddy of mine recently gave me a digital copy of an album I bought on vinyl in the early 1980’s and listened to a lot. I haven’t heard it since way back when ever it was that my turntable belt snapped. After many years it’s really good to hear it again. At least for the first few minutes.
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Posted in Music, Musings, Personal
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