Mar · 18 · 2020

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Updated: May 3, 2024 10:03 am

What follows are a collection of links I have found.  This is not an exhaustive list nor have I completely vetted everything.  Hopefully you will find something useful.  It’s updated as I discover something new.  Please report broken links and I can post copies.

Useful Links

Americans for Health Freedom – Physicians scientists and politicians agree – Every person has a fundamental right of informed consent and individual health care choice.

Protocol KillsIMPORTANT – Create an Informed Consent For Treatment Document For Hospital Visits. Also

Hospital Hostage Hotline – 888-C19-EMER / 888-219-3637

National Vaccine Information Center and The NVIC Advocacy Portal

The Vaccine Reaction by the NVIC

Search US VAERS Data by the NVIC

Truth for Health FoundationCLICK HERE to submit a vax injury report.

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency Pfizer’s Documents

For Those Who Have Had The Shot – “How Bad is My Batch Batch” codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 “Vaccines”

How Bad is My Batch Are some batches more toxic than others?

Prevention and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 at FLCCC Alliance

Millions against Medical Mandates

Global Covid Summit

The Political Pandemic

2024-05-03 : The Continuing Horror of C19 – “They had to be put down”

2024-03-17 : Medical Expert: COVID Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam

2023-12-14 : COVID-19 Crimes – it was intentional – SHARE THIS!

2023-07-21 : The Evidence: Death After The Vax

2023-03-13 : Covid19 Cam From a Lab Funded by NIH, The US State Department, USAID, and The DOD

2023-03-07 : Covid Natural Immunity Confirmed

2023-03-06 : It Came From A Lab – But who doesn’t know that by now? It’s what we were finding from the very beginning and posted links here. Also see this starting at 24 seconds

2022-11-11 : Here’s What’s REALLY In The Jab!

2022-11-01 : CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr Sucharit Bhakdi – This is Stunning!

2022-11-01 : Making Humans Hackable Robots. Real or Sci-Fi?

2022-11-01 : “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen.”

2022-10-19 : Pfizer Exec Admits The Reason For Forcing The Shot And People Losing Their Jobs Was a LIE! – [link 2]

2022-10-12 : COVID Was Used As An Excuse For The Jab – It Was NEVER Human Transmissible : Karen Kingston Exposes the Psychological Operation With Covid19, Sars-Cov-2 & the Tech They Injected : Come To Your Own Conclusion.

2022-09-14 : Exposing Covid Jab to Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self Assemble – This is huge! Coincidence 5G rollout Happens Simultaneously?

2022-08-23 : Embalmer Discovery, Blood Clots Are Self Assembling Circuits – is this sci-fi???

2022-08-20 : Uninformed Consent – Official Full Documentary

2022-07-27 : Dr. Robert Malone Discusses Government Lies And His Deep State Background
· Dr. Robert Malone on GETTR
· Dr. Robert Malone on substack

2022-04-14 : Is COVID Snake Venom?

2022-04-06 : Dr. Richard Fleming – COVID-19 & Vaccines are a Bioweapon, Crimes Against Humanity

2022-03-23 : Dr. John Campbell on The Pfizer Documents

2022-03-23 : Dr. Meryl Nass on The Pfizer Documents

2022-03-17 : Regarding THE Doctor Who Demonized Ivermectin

2022-02-24 : Is This The REAL Origin? Related link 1 and link 2 and link 3

2022-01-15 : Dr David Martin on Our Legal Right to Refuse The Shot

2022-01-15 : Dr. Peter McCullough at a covid Symposium in Dec. 2021 Discussing Dangers of The Shot

2022-01-12 : Dr. Malone On the Great Reset, Covid, and Information Warfare

2022-01-08 : Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for ages 18-64 are up 40% (SINCE THE VAX WAS ROLLED OUT)

2022-01-08 : Dr. Peter McCullough on the Suppression of Alternative Treatments for COVID-19

2022-01-08 : Expert Attorney Shreds COVID19 Mandates

2022-01-07 : Nurse Gives Testimony Regarding Vax Danger and Blocked Treatments

2021-12-21 : Dr Peter McCullough COVID Treatment and Truth

2021-12-07 : The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – IMPORTANT to Watch and SHARE

2021-12-02 : The Jab: Forced Sterilization / Abortion / Population Reduction and More.
Here’s The Paper They Discuss: Masks And Quarantine DO NOT WORK

2021-12-02 : The WHO and the fake pandemic to push a “vaccine” – Possibly one of the best explanations I’ve heard.

2021-11-21 : It’s The Deadliest “Vaccine” in History

2021-11-21 : Important Info For Those With Lingering COVID symptoms

2021-11-06 : Dr. Robert Malone: On the International COVID Summit and More

2021-07-25 : COVID: Crime of The CenturyUtterly Shocking! Source: Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus

2021-07-08 : Moderna Rep Admits The VAX is NOT FDA Approved And is a Mass Human Trial!!!. Original story is at but you must sign up, which is free.

2021-07-08 : Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’

2021-06-17 : “We made a mistake” – the shot is toxic!!

2021-05-05 : The ‘Vaccinated’ Are Making Those Not Getting The Shot Ill : Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P – Episode 44 (alternate link)

2021-05-05 : Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID ‘Vaccines’

2021-04-24 : Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Warns: COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population”

2021-04-24 : Dr. James Odell of BRMI on The Dangers With The covid Vaccine

2021-03-21 : Moderna’s Own Documentation Admits Their “Vaccine” is an Operating System For Programming Human Cells

2021-03-02 : Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

2021-02-14 : The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on an Unsuspecting Public

2021-02-10 : Covid Vaccine Safety: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Dolores Cahill

2021-02-10 : Dr Lee Merrit On The COVID-19 And It’s Weaponization

2021-02-10 : How Safe Are the Nanoparticles in Moderna’s Vaccine?

2021-02-08 : COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

2021-02-06 : Study: CDC Broke Federal Law by Manipulating COVID Death Statistics

2021-01-27 : Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover

2021-01-27 : The Fog of COVID War — Locking Down the Healthy.  The video regarding masks for this article is HERE.

2021-01-24 : America’s Frontline Doctors work around page – they keep being censored

2021-01-24 : German Court: The Country’s Lockdown Restrictions Are Unconstitutional

2021-01-24 : WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria in Attempt to Reduce False Positives

2021-01-21 : Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel

2021-01-17 : Mandatory Lock Downs had NO Impact on Spread of COVID-19 : European Journal of Clinical Investigation

2021-01-10 : Experimental COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Operating System Designed To Program Human DNA, Says Moderna

2021-01-02 : The missing flu riddle: ‘Influenza has been renamed COVID,’ maverick epidemiologist says

2020-12-30 : Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten – an order to admit the lies

2020-12-30 : Even the WHO is admitting the PCR test is not an accurate way to detect coronavirus – All mandates are based on lies!

2020-12-28 : New Study of 10 Million Chinese Finds Asymptomatic Covid Spread Never Existed

2020-12-24 : Asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 may be rare, new research finds

2020-12-14 : GLOBAL COVID FRAUD! Evidence that all the data is 100% false

2020-12-14 : CoronaVirus News related items – continually updated

2020-12-14 : End COVID Lies – many great video testimonies on a site dedicated to exposing the lie

2020-12-14 : Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine)SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE – THE VACCINE IS DESIGNED TO KILL!!!

2020-12-14 : How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines – By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

2020-12-04 : Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective – Note: you will be asked to join their email list to view.  But HERE is a link to the video.

2020-11-28 : The following 2 links prove without a doubt covid-19 is all BS.  A Johns Hopkins presentation analyzing how there are NO MORE DEATHS in 202 than what the US would normally see, but that the usual number of heart and other illness related deaths have simply been counted as covid.  Also there is no seasonal influenza but only covid.
A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 – archives because Johns Hopkins took the article down for revealing too much truth!
Covid-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data – the video presentation for the above article. Expect it to be removed soon.

2020-11-28 : The Covid Cult by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. – FIXED LINK

2020-11-28 : Whistleblower Nurse at NYC Epicenter on the Fraud She Recorded

2020-11-27 : Former Pfizer Vice President Mike Yeadon explains that the spread of covid-19 is OVER and the public is being lied to!

2020-11-27 : Dr. Roger Hodkinson Ex head of Alberta College Physicians & Surgeons Speaks Truth

2020-11-25 : Doctors suggest the CDC warn the public the coronavirus vaccines won’t be “walk in the park”

2020-11-10 : CDC and WHO Mortality Data – SURPRISE – The Flu is Worse than COVID19

2020-11-05 : English Nurse Publically Resigns Over COVID Lies And Tells About It

2020-10-28 : Tyranny via COVID

Ammon Bundy in Emmet Idaho Livestream October 22, 2020 – PAY ATTENTION TO THE DATES in the first few minutes.
Read the White House’s secret coronavirus red zone reports
White House memo encouraged mask mandates with fines in Idaho, other states
For Indiana residents, referring to the dates in the video:
Executive Order 2020-03-06
Executive Order 2020-03-16
Executive Order 2020-03-23
Indiana confirms first case of COVID-19 (Mar 06, 2020)

2020-10-18 : Doctors take down misinformation on coronavirus

2020-10-18 : ‘Mask mandates don’t work’: White House COVID adviser criticizes ‘obsession’ with masks

2020-10-14 : The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia | Thomas E. Woods. Jr. – important truth

2020-10-05 : 2019 WHO review of mask studies found ‘no evidence’ they stopped transmission of flu

2020-10-01 : Stop Covid Cold Informational site

Freedom Fest – The first part has an interesting COVID discussion

2020-10-01 : EXPLOSIVE research uncovered proving masks actually make infection rates worse!

2020-09-20 : Is There A Flu Shot / COVID Link?

2020-09-20 : Belarusian President Offered $940M by IMF and World Bank to Introduce Quarantine, Isolation & Curfew ‘Like in Italy’

2020-09-20 : 6 important stories the media ignored about COVID-19

2020-09-17 : Judge rules Pennsylvania COVID-19 restrictions unconstitutional – This sets a precedent for every state!

2020-09-17 : Americans rejecting failed lockdown policies, holding politicians accountable for double standards on One America News Network – This video had been removed, updated now

2020-09-16 : Excellent discussion with Dr. Paul Cottrell about COVID-19, China and US government truths

2020-09-15 : Researchers discover antibody molecule they say can prevent, treat COVID-19

2020-09-14 : The jury is in on Hydroxychloroquine – ‘it saves lives’

2020-09-13 : Very interesting biological discussion on the human immune system that proves Fauci and vaccines are WRONG

2020-09-13 : COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity – excellent investigative reporting from James Corbett

2020-09-09 : Testing and Adjusting the Numbers. What is Going On?

2020-09-09 : AstraZeneca Is Pausing Studies On Their Coronavirus Vaccine After Individual Experienced Severe Symptoms

2020-09-04 : Crucial Viewing – to truly understand our current Viral Issue #Casedemic

2020-09-04 : Dr. Birx, Dr. Redfield, COVID Policies and Asymptomatic Spread – packed with good info and updates

2020-09-03 : Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. – NY Times article

2020-09-02 : The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime

2020-09-01 : Joe Biden Tweeted about a ‘pandemic’ months BEFORE COVID-19 was revealed in China

2020-08-30 : Hydroxychloroquine ‘very safe,’ says Dr. Scott Atlas; blasts ‘garbage’ medical studies

2020-08-30 : New research suggests asymptomatic COVID-19 spread is comparatively rare

2020-08-30 : CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone

2020-08-24 : SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy. Lee Merritt, M.D.WATCH THIS!

2020-08-15 : Vaccine Debate Between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Alan Dershowitz and here’s the bill mentioned early in the conversation. The info Robert Kennedy Jr. cites is damning!

2020-08-12 : Yale professor: Feds making unconscionable mistake blocking hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients

2020-08-12 : Why the Smear Campaign Against Hydroxychloroquine?

2020-08-12 : Ten experts on a NIH COVID-19 panel have ties to companies involved in coronavirus treatment

2020-08-08 : COVID-19: The Coverup, The Cure, and Key Evidence – A damning investigative report

2020-07-31 : Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running ‘misinformation campaign’ against hydroxychloroquine

2020-07-30 : – personal web site for one of the America’s Frontline Doctors

2020-07-30 : America’s Frontline Doctors Web Site – as of 7-30-2020 this has been taken down!

2020-07-30 : IMPORTANT!! America’s Frontline Doctors DC Press Conference Social Media is Suppressing

2020-07-23 : Fake Data And What’s Coming

2020-07-23 : Indiana Attorney General says the Governor does not have the authority to impose a penalty for not wearing a mask, only the Indiana House and Senate can do that

2020-07-23 : How COVID-19 fatality reports are distorting the data on daily death rates

2020-07-23 : Chinese State Media Claims Coronavirus Is A Tool To Beat Trump

2020-07-23 : Coronavirus LiesFalse counting and MASK WEARING only slows down a national recovery based on world statistics.

2020-07-17 : The Coverup of the Century How The CCP Covered Up The Coronavirus Outbreak – interesting but not vetted by me.

2020-07-17 : The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings

2020-07-16 : How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the COVID-19 Cure Market

2020-07-16 : Florida Labs Found to be Significantly Inflating Positive COVID Test Results

2020-07-13 : Doctor/Senator Scott Jensen Being Investigated For Blowing The Whistle On Government’s Fake COVID-19 Death Toll

2020-07-13 : NBC Interviewed Doctor In The Hospital With Cornavirus And He Never Had Cornavirus

2020-07-11 : Former CBSHealthwatch Reporter: “‘The Virus’ Is One Of The Greatest Frauds In Modern History”

2020-06-30 : Masks vs. Constituion

2020-06-10 : Coronavirus may have been a ‘cell-culture experiment’ gone wrong

2020-06-01 : PLAGUE & THE BIG PHARMA MAFIA – Dr. Judy Mikovits

2020-06-01 : Origins Of Judy Mikovits Mouse Viruses –  George Webb with Guest Bill Taylor
George Webb is an interesting and seemingly very connected guy.  Follow his channel here.

2020-06-01 : Real COVID 19 Data

2020-06-01 : Stanford Professor and Nobel Prize Winner Explains this Viral Lockdown

2020-06-01 : Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline

2020-05-14 : DOD Awards $138 Million Contract, Enabling Prefilled Syringes for Future COVID-19 Vaccine
How can there be a contract for prefilled vaccine syringes in Oct. 2020 when we’re told we’re not even close to a vaccine yet?!?!

2020-04-17 : The number of COVID19 deaths is being padded and is potentially grossly exaggerated. Hat tip The Corbett Report.

Israel Approves Harsher Coronavirus Tracking Methods Than Gov’t Stated

U.S. government, tech industry discussing ways to harness location data to combat coronavirus
03-27-2020 : US Government Tracking How People Move Around

Coronavirus Outbreak: A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded
A game played by the government.  Is it a map being used now?  Or is it a hoax created recently to perpetuate the deep state ideas?  You decide.
03-27-2020 : The MSN page was removed but here are copies:
** MSN Article
** US Crimson Doc
** US Ebola Doc

DOJ seeks new emergency powers

Martial Law should the gov’t cease to function

The WHO places politics over prevention

The Coronavirus & Stalin’s Chicken
This is a really good evaluation, yet comparisons to the swine flu must be kept in perspective as this one is just taking off and final swine flu numbers are not comparable at this point. “Swine flu was proclaimed an emergency after 1000 deaths after 4 months.”  So let’s wait 4 months and see how it compares.

2020-03-25 : China’s Mobile Carriers Lose 21 Million Users This Year
Take into account this is Bloomberg. What the article isn’t suggesting is; does this imply there are many more deaths than what China is reporting? OR… are their citizens abandoning their government tracking and spying devices?


COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins
This is the global picture.  Click on the US link on the left to just look at the US cases.

COVID-19 Cases in Indiana by State Department of Health
For other states go to your state’s department of health web site.

2020-03-28 : Indiana Governor Holcomb COVID-19 Update Daily Live Feed 2:30pm (times may vary)

2020-03-28 : Southern Indiana / Indiana Resources Links by US Representative Trey Hollingsworth – very good.

03-30-2020 : Indianapolis is an “emerging hot spot” in the US according to former Indiana State Health Commissioner, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams.

CDC Info Site

Dr. John Campbell
A retired physician in the UK giving perspective and good information on YT.

Good Things To Know

Apparently using NSAIDs (Motrin, Advil, etc.) to try and reduce a fever or aches if you have covid-19 is causing many serious complications and increases the severity of it.  The recommendation is to ONLY use a Tylenol like product, or let the fever run it’s course as it is your body’s natural defense to fight it off.

2020-03-28 : More on avoiding NSAIDs. Seems to be a VERY real issue.

How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

2020-03-28 : Cleaning Products That Actually Disinfect


2020-06-06 : Scientists find link between COVID-19 severity and genetics. Additional evidence those with blood type a are far more likely to have a bad reaction requiring hospitalization.

2020-05-14 : Loud speech can leave coronavirus in air for up to 14 minutes

2020-04-15 : COVID19 is NOT a virus? But possibly the body’s reaction to an injury from something like 5G. An interesting discussion.

People with Type A blood are MORE likely to catch coronavirus than those with Type O

A cure for COVID-19 seems to have been discovered by French and Australian doctors in the drug used for malaria.

04-08-2020 : Stunning results from hydroxychloroquine treatment in the US are being reported HERE and HERE.

Half of All Coronavirus Cases in New York Are People Under 50 Years

03-27-2020 : Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection
A much lower fatality forecast, but more easily spread than originally thought.

03-31-2020 : Many Coronavirus Patients Remain Contageous After Symptoms Disappear

03-31-2020 : Coronavirus could travel 27 feet, stay in air for hours

04-03-2020 : Study indicates coronavirus can spread through talking or just breathing

Truly Frightening

Belgian coronavirus doctor says lung scans for young patients were ‘nothing short of terrifying’

Lessons From Italy’s Hospital Meltdown

2020-03-26 : Hospitals across U.S. consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients



2020-03-25 : Are Digital Dollars Coming to The US?

2020-03-26 : Interest on short-term government bills in the U.S. goes below 0%
Brace yourself!

2020-03-28 : Save Our Workers Bill Filled With Pork (Of Course)

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