Jun · 02 · 2020

Blackout Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  A loose summation from wikipedia: a collective action to protest racism and police brutality, originally organized within the music industry in response to the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Businesses taking part were encouraged to abstain from releasing music and other business operations.

I can’t emphasize the word STUPID enough! more »

May · 24 · 2020

I maintain a facebook (fb) profile NOT because I use it, but because some people insist on only communicating through facebook.  That’s not intended to be an insult either, just the reality of things.  I have long talked about deleting it and I probably should except for those messages and the rare opportunity that recently came up.

I was nominated by a close friend to name 10 albums that have influenced my musical taste and upbringing.  And during this covid haze of boredom I thought sure I’ll play along.  For those who don’t do fb (good for you!) here’s a summation without friend comments. more »

Mar · 18 · 2020

This is a sticky post… Please look below for more recent posts.
Updated: May 3, 2024 10:03 am
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As I begin this post we are in the initial stages of this virus taking off here in the U.S.  Never before in my lifetime have I experienced such a thing as this which is causing the country to essentially close in every way.  The closest was 9-11, which severely impacted travel in this country, but only by air, and only for a short time.  Restaurants, bars, business, all remained open with the exception of that day and areas affected such as New York.  It did have the amazing affect of uniting us all.  This time however the political divide in this country is far too great for this most insidious and invisible enemy to accomplish that.  Worse yet the recommended “social distancing” is keeping those who can unite, apart.  This is arguably the biggest threat to this nation we’ve faced in quite some time and people are still unable to lay aside partisan political horse dung.  That is an exceptionally sad commentary on this society. more »

Nov · 13 · 2019

But as a quick update to the Lip Service post, I was recently contacted by a dear friend from 2 previous original bands.  Initially I was going to sit in with his group on a one off gig but that unfortunately did not come to fruition.  But since we’re slowly moving forward towards a reboot, maybe an old band, maybe a new, some of the old originals could possibly be involved, and some new writing.  It’s slow for now, but I am ever SO hopeful.  He and I have corroborated on some really great originals in the past and it is so good and exciting that we embark toward another venture.  Stayed tuned.

Sep · 05 · 2019

No, not the movies or the television series.  Not the rye whiskey. Not the various businesses or songs.  Not even the most awesome song by Max Webster off the 1978 “Mutiny Up My Sleeve” album.

No, this is possibly best summed up by The Cambridge Dictionary as simply “to say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it”.  Yeah, or maybe just “all talk and no action”. Why, you might wonder, is this a topic for a post here? Well it’s one of those life and faith lessons that, when you least expect it, smacks you hard in the face. more »

Jun · 27 · 2019

Way back… I decided to move tech and political posts to other sites/blogs.  Well, in the interest of time, mostly lack of it, and some other ideas I have in mind, politics has moved back here.  Don’t expect a lot of them, maybe now and then, but while I have a lot of opinions on politics, I don’t have time or really anything different to say about it than others are saying.  Tech stuff and web development is still elsewhere (tech.creed3.com) and I have written more there than anywhere else in the past few years.  I’m going to attempt to post more often here too.  So FWIW, there ya have it.

Jun · 14 · 2019

Pardon this interruption of our typical posts for a rude awakening.  I started to send this article link to a few friends and realized I was writing something a bit more.

What is sickening?  Human sacrifice in the age of the enlightened, in a nation with supposed protections in place to avert such horrific things.  Ah, but people do change their minds don’t they?
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